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- 1. Danobatgroup sets a new turnover record of €344 M in 2024
- 2. Danobat revolutionizes manufacturing with a new precision robot
- 3. MONDRAGON expands its digital presence with Bluesky
- 4. MONDRAGON leads ASETT, the Social Economy Hub for social transformation
- 5. Orbik Cybersecurity, the first technological start-up to become a co-operative
- 6. Eika acquires Stone Cooker S.L and its innovative 'Suiseki' table to boost growth
In 2025 we aim to continue sharing our model with the world. A way to build responsible, democratic, competitive and sustainable companies; strong, supportive and deeply connected to society.

A model that has brought as far, becoming a global reference today, and we look the future with optimism. From all of us at MONDRAGON, we wish you a HAPPY NEW YEAR!